We know that your workload is already sky high and that your time is extremely precious. We’re here to save you time and money spent applying for new roles and registering with multiple agencies as you seek to keep yourself in continuous employment.
When you apply for a position through one of our Partners, we will handle your registration on their behalf. We will then retain your registration details securely and you can use these details to apply for more positions through any of our Partners
whenever you seek an opportunity through them – saving you registering again.
We aim to make registering with us as simple as possible. We have access to sophisticated verification software that will enable us to confirm the majority of your employment checks electronically and avoid unnecessary postage of your original
documents which can be risky, costly and time consuming.
When you read and accept our Data Sharing Agreement, you will commence your registration process and provide the documentation that is required for your profession. You will allow us to retain this information, until you request otherwise, on your
own secure personal record to share with our Partners when you apply for a position with them. This also authorises us to securely inform the Agency you are working with of the outcome of your registration and send your information to the prospective
Hirers on behalf of your agency if required.
We will only send your information to your Agency and potential Hirers when it is required because you have a specific application in progress or at specific request – it will not be sent anywhere for any other reason, ever.
For a list of all the companies that we have partnerships with please go to:
*We will not share your data with any of our partners automatically, it will only be shared when absolutely necessary and because you have applied for a position through that partner.*